Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A new review.

“Be warned: there is disturbing content ahead. I know, I know, you can take it. You've read disturbing books before, stories of depravity that would shatter the hearts of weaker people. Well, this is different. This goes even farther. This book touches your gag reflex and caresses it like an experienced lover. Disgusting things happen within these pages, and if you are brave enough to read them you may, after getting seventy-five pages in, wonder why you're still reading such nastiness. Then you realize: the writing is damn good. And that's the hook. The detail and flow is that of a true talent, someone who can keep you reading despite the fact that you are thoroughly disturbed by the subject matter.” – Review by Michael Welch

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A partial review.

"I know you warned me about its content, but I feel like there's a slimy monster slithering around inside my brain when I read it.  I guess I'm just not mentally tough enough for this kind of story." - Anonymous Reviewer